2018-06-12 11:07:09 来源:中公金融人
1. The office complex on Broad Street has been ______ for a year due to delayed construction work.
A. vacantly B. vacating C. vacancy D. vacant
2. Upon installation, the software will prompt the user to enter the product ______, which is located in the instruction manual.
A. number B. numbered C. numbering D. numbers
3. Paycheck are ______ ready for pickup at the front desk.
A. once B. far C. now D. yet
4. The plant's ______ has doubled since the introduction of automated assembly.
A. upturn B. output C. drawback D. overpass
5. If you have ideas for new projects you would like to ______ for next year, please submit them by e-mail to the business development office.
A. propose B. acquaint C. practice D. employ
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